You can never underestimate the importance of oral health. Healthy teeth and gums are a pathway to having a bright and attractive smile. Also, oral hygiene prevents the buildup of plaque on the teeth, prevents yellowing and also keeps bad breath at bay.
Apart from this, lack of proper oral hygiene habits can lead to serious medical issues, such as bleeding gums and even scurvy. Also, since we ingest food through the mouth, a dirty mouth can cause problems in the digestive tract as well.
Thus, it is safe to say that maintaining a healthy mouth is absolutely imperative for both medical and cosmetic reasons.
Here are 5 ways in which you can maintain the health of your pearly whites:
1. Use a proper toothbrush
This is probably the most important step in your oral health routine. If you are not using a good brush, then none of the other practices will have any effect. Dentists in Adelaide and all over the world recommend brushing twice daily with a brush that has soft bristles. You can also use an electronic brush, says one dentist in Torrensville. An electronic brush is usually wired to focus on your entire mouth, and often comes with timers and reminders when it is time to move on to the next half of the mouth. It is an effective way to get a completely clean mouth without putting in a lot of effort. Also, while brushing your teeth, keep in mind an important tip from a dentist in Adelaide: never forget the tongue.
2. Avoid tobacco and sugary products
This goes without saying. Indulging in sugar and tobacco is certainly not good for the teeth, and should be avoided at all cost. Tobacco stains the teeth and causes bad breath, and can also lead to oral cancer and periodontal complications. Sugar converts the acid in the mouth, which corrodes the enamel and causes cavities. Dentists in Torrensville suggest using alternative options like water and unsweetened tea for healthier teeth.
3. Snack on crunchy fruits and vegetables and eat calcium rich food
Crunchy fruits and vegetables actually help clean the teeth by removing the plaque from the surface, says a dentist in Adelaide. Along with this, eating foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D will help strengthen your teeth and bones and maintain the health of your gums.
4. Replace your toothbrush at regular intervals
Yes, your toothbrush needs to be replaced. A toothbrush should not be used for more than 3 months for maximum effectivity. It is advisable to use a toothbrush that has been recommended by your dentist.
5. Take regular trips to the dentist’s office
As scary as that may sound, regular trips to the dentist’s office are necessary to maintain proper oral health. A regular oral checkup can help point out the subtle oral problems in your regime that you can change or improve accordingly. Dentists in Torrensville recommend at least two trips to the dentist’s office per month.